Shoulder Surgery
Dr. Pamela Mehta MD
Shoulder Surgeon in San Jose

Dr. Pamela Mehta is an experienced shoulder surgeon renowned for her expertise in sports injuries and joint arthritis. She is the founder of Resilience Orthopedics.
With an impressive career and training under leading innovators, she has served as Chief of Orthopedics and National Orthopedic Director for a major orthopedic hospitalist group and advises several publicly traded companies.

Table of Contents
Shoulder Surgery We Offer in San Jose
Dr. Mehta is a board-certified shoulder surgeon and expert in treating all shoulder conditions.
She specializes in arthroscopic shoulder surgery. This leaves a smaller scar and has quicker recovery times compared to open surgery.

When you first visit Dr. Mehta, she will examine your shoulder.
She can then explain the likely cause of your discomfort, and work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.
Conservative treatments for shoulder pain can include
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Shoulder exercises
- Physical therapy
- Joint injections
If your pain continues despite conservative treatment, Dr. Mehta may offer shoulder surgery.
Book a Consultation with Dr. Pamela Mehta, MD
The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in San Jose
Dr. Mehta is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who can help you recover from your joint condition.
We can help if you:
- Are Suffering From Pain and Mobility Issues
- Need Orthopedic Assessment and Advice
- Want Treatment From a Top Orthopedic Doctor
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Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
Dr. Mehta performs minimally invasive surgical techniques to repair your shoulder condition. Types of surgery she can offer include:
Subacromial decompression is a treatment for shoulder impingement. The narrowing in your subacromial space is expanded to prevent pinching of your rotator cuff tendon. If you have a bone spur on your acromion, this will also be removed during the bone spur surgery. This is done through two or three small incisions with the assistance of a camera.

Rotator Cuff Repair
Rotator cuff repair is a surgery for rotator cuff tear. If you have a complete tear, your shoulder surgeon will re-attach the tendon of your rotator cuff to the humerus (long bone of the upper arm). If you only have a partial tear, but one that is not responding to conservative treatment, she may be able to perform a smaller procedure called a debridement.
Shoulder Labral Tear Repair
Shoulder labral repair and debridement is a surgery for a torn labrum – a type of cartilage in your shoulder joint. Depending on where the tear is and if it is partial or complete, your shoulder surgeon will either reattach or just trim (known as debridement) the damaged area.

Acromioclavicular Joint Separation Surgery
AC joint separation surgery is a treatment for shoulder separation. Depending on severity and how recent the injury was this can be done via arthroscopy or open surgery. The shoulder surgeon will stabilize your shoulder by reconstructing the AC (collarbone) ligaments.
Biceps Tendon Tear Repair and Reconstruction
For a biceps tendon tear that occurs at the shoulder (proximal biceps tendon rupture), a shoulder surgeon will either need to rack the tendon down at the proximal humerus or completely reconstruct it using a tissue graft. This depends on how long ago your tendon was injured.
Subacromial Bursectomy
Subacromial bursectomy is a treatment for shoulder bursitis. This is reserved for when the inflamed bursa is not improving with other treatments. If you are suffering from shoulder impingement, your surgeon may opt to perform a subacromial decompression at the same time.
Be careful with the exercises you take part in after shoulder bursitis surgery – you can read about which exercises to do and avoid here.
What is a Shoulder Arthroscopy?
Shoulder arthroscopy is a form of surgery that allows your shoulder surgeon to see inside your shoulder joint without having to make a big incision.
Small incisions are made over your shoulder joint to allow the use of a camera and small surgical tools. A shoulder arthroscopy results in less pain, smaller scars, and a quicker recovery time than an open surgery.
Depending on the type of surgery that’s required, a shoulder arthroscopy can be performed in as little as an hour. To keep you comfortable and pain-free, Dr. Mehta may arrange for a nerve block to be performed during the surgery. This numbs the area for a short time after the procedure.

What to Expect After Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
For most arthroscopic procedures you will be able to return home after a few hours of monitoring. You will receive care instructions for your shoulder dressing and will most likely need to wear a shoulder sling or immobilizer.
You can expect some pain and discomfort in the few days and weeks following your procedure. Your shoulder surgeon will arrange for appropriate pain relief and advise you on how to stay comfortable.

You will have two or three small scars over your shoulder following this procedure. There are a few things you may want to buy to make life easier while your shoulder is in a sling. This might include products designed for surgery including:
- bras
- shirts
- pillows
Arthroscopic shoulder surgery recovery time will depend on the type of surgery. For simple procedures, you might be back to normal after 4-6 weeks. For more significant procedures it may take months.
Dr. Mehta will recommend exercises that you should do regularly for several weeks after your surgery. She will also arrange for physical therapy if appropriate.
Dr. Mehta provides concierge orthopedic care and will arrange for follow-up visits. She will also call you to check up on you during your recovery.
Ready to Recover?
Take the first step in getting back to your normal self, and book an appointment with Dr. Mehta today.
We’re ready when you are!
What Shoulder Services Do We Offer?
Shoulder Pain Assessment
Shoulder Pain is frustrating and can impact both your sleep and your mental health. Dr. Mehta is a shoulder doctor and can diagnose your pain, offering various surgical and non-surgical treatments.
Shoulder Surgery
If your shoulder condition is severe, or nothing you have tried has helped, Dr. Mehta can advise you on the options for surgery. She is a shoulder specialist and can offer expert opinion and care.
Treatment of Shoulder Conditions
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder makes your shoulder stiff and can make movement painful.
Bicep Tendinitis
Bicep tendonitis causes pain in your upper arm and can lead to a bicep tendon tear.
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement makes it difficult to raise your arms above your head.
Shoulder Separation
Shoulder separation is a sprain in the AC joint near your shoulder.
Shoulder Bursitis
Shoulder bursitis gives you a tender shoulder and makes it difficult to sleep.
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator cuff tears can occur during sports and make overhead movements difficult.
Dislocated Shoulder
Shoulder dislocation causes a disformed and painful shoulder and can be recurrent.
Bone Spurs
Bone spurs can form over time and cause pain and impingement.
And Many More!
Dr. Mehta offers diagnosis and treatment of all shoulder conditions and can offer her specialist opinion as an expert shoulder doctor.
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